VENOM COMPARISON (2007 and 2018)

  In this writing i will compare Tom Hardy's and Topher Grace's Venom.

1) TRANSFORMATION: In my opnion both transformation is nearly same. Topher Grace's Eddie's teeth changed like Venom's teeth but Hardy's Eddie's body didn't change. I can't say one's transformation is better. Beacuse of this i think both is nice.

2) THE ROLE OF VENOM: a) In 2007 Topher Grace's Venom was very dangerous, sneaking, evil and messing with host's mind. When Venom captured a host, the host only think the revenge. Venom changed the host. Their relationship is invader and host. Topher Grace's Venom is a Villain. Grace's Venom is away from ethics. And Grace's Venom can use anything for his own good.

b) In 2018 Tom Hardy's Venom was dangerous, too but not as dangerous as Grace's. The host can stop the Symbiot. Tom Hardy and Venom can argue and then reach an agreement. Hardy can rule the Venom. In movie Hardy ruled Venom eating anybody. Maybe once, Hardy said. And another aspect of Hardy's Venom, Venom changed by the host. When Symbiot came to earth their purpose was capture the humanity. But Venom changed his mind after Venom joined Hardy.
   Normally Venom affect the host but at Hardy's Venom, host affect Venom. And their relationship is like friends not invader-host. Hardy's Venom looks like headed for anti-heroism.

3) COMBAT STYLE: a) Grace's Venom, first merged with Spider Man, It uses mostly Spider-Man's fighting abilities. Spider webs, athletic movements, suddenly disappearing and then again suddenly appears. Grace's Venom attacks suddenly and when  Venom's or Grace's enemy is alone and weak.

b) Hardy's Venom first joined to experimental host and It didn't joined with them. Then Venom joined with Hardy's Eddie Brock and Hardy's Eddie didn't have combat skills. Venom protected Hardy's Eddie by its own skills. Hardy's Venom attacks enemies mostly to defend Eddie Brock and fights anywhere when they attacks. Hardy's Venom doesn't like to retreat.

4) EDDIE BROCK ROLE: a) Topher Grace's Eddie is sneaky and cheater. His Eddie will do anything for own good. Grace's Eddie does his job to get promoted.

b) Hardy's Eddie Brock is sneaky too. And maybe a little cheater. Hardy's Eddie will do anything but a difference he will do anything for all.  Hardy's Eddie does his job to uncover liars and tries to finish bad people's work.

5) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE HOST AND THE VENOM: a) Topher Grace's Venom doesn't talk to Eddie except getting angry. Grace's Venom only controls Eddie and very serious.

b) Gardy's Venom makes Eddie angry too but talks too. Venom always says Eddie that It is hungry or talking about Eddie's ex girlfriend. Hardy's Venom is friendly. In Hardy's Venom, "we" idea is better than Eddie's Venom. If you are talking about "we", you must argue and making decisions together. And Hardy's Eddie and Venom get this perfect.

6) EARTH'S ENEMY AND FRIEND: a) Topher Grace's Venom is enemy of humanity

b) Hardy's Venom firstly the enemy of Earth but then became a friend of earth. And try to avoid Symbiots arrival of the Earth.

7) HOST'S BODY: a) Topher Grace's Venom got the host's body and took mental control. Grace didn't have symptoms of diesease. Only angry to people and Venom make Eddie angrier.

b) Tom Hardy's Venom after got the body but didn't take mental control. Hardy is ill and Venom is healing Hardy's Eddie's body. Venom takes care of the body It is in.

