A big surprise can save The Flash 5th season in my opinion it is an anti hero Flash.

  We have different colors of Flashes.

1) First Flash (red): Jay Garrick (GOOD)

2) The Flash (red): Barry Allen  (GOOD)

3) The Kid Flash (red-yellow): Wally West  (GOOD)

4) Zoom (blue): Hunter Zolomon (BAD)

5) Savitar (white): A version of Barry Allen  (BAD)

6) Black Flash: A Flash capture the dead or must be dead speedsters (NEUTR)

7) Reverse Flash: (red-yellow): Eobard Thawne   (BAD)

There are too many speedsters all are bad or good but i have never seen an anti hero Flash or a Flash doesn't have ethics. And it will be nice to create a Grey Flash.

  Features of Grey Flash are:

1) He will be good

2) He can kill villains if he can't save

3) His only mission is save good people anyway but not as a job if he isn't busy. And to save pople use his own methods good or bad.

4) He is an anti hero

5) He fights alone. He doesn't have a team or a family.

6) He can be bad, too. He steals some money if he doesn't have.
